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Ed Vaughn's Profile


Ed Vaughn

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:

758-2020 ext 7591

Conference Times:


Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from Morris High School in 1998.  A semester at Panhandle State playing baseball, a semester at OSUIT for general educations courses, then I finished my schooling at Northeastern State University in 2003.

Degrees and Certifications:

I have a bachelor of science in Math Education.  I have an advanced math certification.

Current Position:

2021-22 is my first year at Dunbar where i teach 8th grade math.  I also assist with MS and HS fast pitch softball.  I am the head baseball coach at the HS and MS.  

Previous Position:

I began teaching in 2003 in Ferris, TX where i assisted volleyball and softball.  

Mason Public Schools 2004-2005 Middle School Math and Head Baseball / JH basketball

Yale Public Schools 2005-2014  HS and MS Math  Head Baseball and Head Volleyball.  I also assisted football and basketball.  

Newkirk Public Schools 2014-2017  8th Math  Head Baseball.  I also assisted football and girls basketball

Morris Public Schools 2017-2021  Alg 2/Trig  Head Baseball and Head Fast Pitch softball