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About Justin Cline




          My name is Justin Cline and I am a graduate of Okmulgee High School’s class of 1998.  I later went to Northeastern State University and have been employed with the Okmulgee School District for fourteen years.

          I teach Eng. III, most American Literature,  AP Eng. III with a focus on non-fiction and research (project/paper writing), Eng. IV, and AP Eng. IV.

          I am extremely approachable but I do not bend or change my rules (ever)....

          I expect a high level of involvement and responsibility from each of my students which tends to make my work-load considered harder than many other's.  This also creates a great atmosemphere for learning, each student knows I expect him or her to perform at a high level therefore most rise to the challenge even helping others in the class achieve the goals presented.

         We spend a lot of time in discussion over topics, sometimes controversial, pertinent to our society and generations.  This fosters a great relationship and respect with the give and take of the Socratic method creating a comfortable place to think and vocalize critically the situations that do and may arise in society.  The key is to take education from the "What" (the base knowledge or facts) through the "So What" (why do these facts or this knowledge matter) unlimately arriving at the “Now What” (how can this be applied to everyday unexpected situations).  It is more important that a student be able to use the knowledge rather than just identifying the facts…

As the advisor of both the senior class and the Okmulgee High School chapter of the National Honor Society, I have the opportunity to work closely with students in making a real impact on the school and community.

          I can't wait to meet your children and get to know all of you this year.


Justin Cline

Advanced Placement English III

Advanced Placement English IV

Senior Class Advisor

National Honor Society Adviser







Justin Cline

Upcoming Events

Contact Justin Cline

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
Conference Time:
9:05-9:55 AM